Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America- Massachusetts

Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America- Massachusetts

Governing Council (GC) – The main policy
making body of the Parishad. Meets annually to review the progress of
programs/projects and plan for the future. Members elected from different
regions for a period of three years. With over 100 elected members this is
the National body that sets the direction for the Parishad.

Executive Board (EB)
 – Executive Board (EB) – This is composed of all the
Corporate Officers. The term “Corporate Officer” refers to the
following office bearers of the Governing Council:  President, Vice 
President, General Secretary, Joint General Secretary, Treasurer, Organizing
Secretary and such other officers as may be created by the Governing Council to
handle the administrative needs. The charter of this group is to attend to the
day-to-day operations of the Parishad, within the guidelines and directions set
by the GC.

Chapter Presidents/Secretaries
 – Officers of the local chapters of the
Parishad elected by the local members. Form a part of the extended GC and
participate in the annual meeting.

Advisory Board
 – Ex VHPA presidents and other selected senior members of
the community constitute this elite board that counsels the GC on various
matters including its long term vision and direction.

 – Constitute the very foundation of the Parishad. The chapters
are where the programs and projects of the Parishad get implemented.

National Projects Directors
 – The national projects are executed by a
committee of members drawn from the GC and the various chapters. The Director
facilitates the formation of the team, setting of goals and objectives,
communication and reaching out to the community.