Swami Vivekananda Poster Contest HHD2013
Instructions and Rules
Purpose: To promote awareness of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings.
Size: Posters of size 8 ½”x11” or 11”x17” can be entered into contest
Prizes: Five $100 prizes and other smaller prizes will be awarded for a total of at least $1000. They may be assigned to different age groups at the discretion of judges. Judges’ decision shall be final.
Ends: Entries must be received at the submission address by 5 PM on Sunday, May 5th, 2013. Entries not received till that time will not be considered for prizes. Contest organizers will not consider any entries delayed or lost in mail or otherwise.
Submission Address:
551 Great Elm Way,
Village of Nagog Woods,MA 01718.
VHPA will not be responsible for any entries lost in the mail. The entries will become property of VHPA and will be displayed at Hindu Heritage Day, May 11, 2013 in Marlborough, MA and may be used in Magazines and publications.
What: Pencil/charcoal/crayon drawings, illustrations, graphics, oil/acrylic/water color paintings on a poster or paper of size 8 ½”x 11” or 11”x17” can be submitted. On the back of each entry, you must include –
Date of Birth:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number(s):
Email address of entrant or parent for communication:
Theme: Entries must be related to Swami Vivekananda and his teachings. Examples include: Pictures, Quotes, Inspiring message, Poems, Divinity of Man (humans), Character building, Strength, Yogas (Karma, Gnana, Bhakti, Raja), Fusion of East and West for World Peace and Progress
Who Can Enter: Persons who attained the age of 3 to 100 years on 1/1/2013 and reside in any of the New England states of USA. (Massachusetts,Rhode Island,Connecticut,New Hampshire,Vermont). The judges may divide the entrants in age groups such as 3-8, 9-12, 13-18, 19-25, 26-100 for awarding prizes.
Judging: Judging will be done by two methods.
(1) Appointed judges will judge based on:
Relevance to Society,
Artistic Impression
(2) By popular votes at the Hindu Heritage Day. All entries will be displayed at the Hindu Heritage Day and visitors will be able to vote for their favorite posters (only one vote per individual will be allowed).
Both types of winners will be given prizes. The distribution of prizes by the judging team appointed by Hindu Heritage Day, 2013 committee will be final. Judge’s names will remain confidential.
Sponsors: Individuals or Institutions who agree with the purpose of the contest can sponsor the contest by sending their contributions (check may be payable to VHPA) to the submission address above. Any contributions, large or small are appreciated. Names of the sponsors will be displayed at Hindu Heritage Day, 2013.
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